Knowledge Base

This knowledge base is a collection of important, useful information about OSC systems that does not fit into a guide or tutorial, and is too long to be answered in a simple FAQ.

Account Consolidation Guide

Initial account consolidation took place during the July 17th, 2018 downtime
Please contact OSC Help if you need further information. 

Single Account / Multiple Projects

If you work with several research groups, you had a separate account for each group. This meant multiple home directories, multiple passwords, etc. Over the years there have been requests for a single login system. We've now put that in place.

How will this affect you?

If you work with multiple groups, you'll need to be aware of how this works.

  • It will be very important to use the correct project code for batch job charging.
  • Managing the sharing of files between your projects (groups) is a little more complicated.
  • In most cases, you will only need to fill out software license agreements once.

The single username 

We requested those with multiple accounts to choose a preferred username. If one was not selected by the user, we selected one for them. 

The preferred username will be your only active account; you will not be able to log in or submit jobs with the other accounts. 

Checking the groups of a username

To check all groups of a username (USERID), use the command:

groups USERID



The first one from the output is your primary group, which is the project code (PROJECTID) this username (USERID) was created under.

All project codes your user account is under is determined by the groups displayed. One can also use the OSC Client Portal to look at their current projects.

A user may not be a member of the project, even though the user is still in the group for that project. This is because a primary group will not be removed when a user is removed from their first project. OSCfinger will list a primary group and project groups separately (if a user the primary group, but the project is not listed in the 'groups' sectionm then they are not in that project). OSC Client portal will also show current project members.

Changing the primary group for a login session

You can change the primary group of your username (USERID) to any UNIX group (GROUP) that username (USERID) belongs to during the login session using the command:

newgrp GROUP

This change is only valid during this login session. If you log out and log back in, your primary group is changed back to the default one.

Check previous user accounts

There is no available tool to check all of your previous active accounts. We sent an email to each impacted user providing the information on your preferred username and previous accounts. Please refer to that email (sent on July 11, subject "Multiple OSC Accounts - Your Single Username").

Batch job

How to specify the charging project

It will be very important that you make sure a batch job is charged against the correct research project code.

Specify a project to charge the job to using the -A flag. e.g. The following example will charge to project PAS1234.


Batch limits policy

The job limit per user remains the same. That is to say, though your jobs are charged against different project codes, the total number of jobs and cores your user account can use on each system is still restricted by the previous user-based limit. Therefore, consolidating multiple user accounts into one preferred user account may affect the work of some users.

Please check our batch limit policy on each system for more details.

Data Management

Managing multiple home directories

Data from your non-preferred accounts will remain in those home directories; the ownership of the files will be updated to your preferred username, the newly consolidated account. You can access your other home directories using the command cd /absolute/path/to/file

You will need to consolidate all files to your preferred username as soon as possible because we plan to purge the data in future. Please contact OSC Help if you need the information on your other home directories to access the files.  

Previous files associated with your other usernames

  • Files associated with your non-preferred accounts will have their ownership changed to your preferred username. 
  • These files won't count against your home directory file quota. 
  • There will be no change to files and quotas on the project and scratch file systems.

Change group of a file

Log in with preferred username (P_ USERID) and create a new file of which the owner and group is your preferred username (P_ USERID) and primary project code (P_PROJECTID). Then change the group of the newly created file (FILE) using the command:


Managing file sharing in a batch job

In the Linux file system, every file has an owner and a group. By default, the group (project code) assigned to a file is the primary group of the user who creates it. This means that even if you change the charged account for a batch job, any files created will still be associated with your primary group.

To change the group for new files you will need to update your primary group prior to submitting your slurm script using the newgrp command.

It is important to remember that groups are used in two different ways: for resource use charging and file permissions. In the simplest case, if you are a member of only one research group/project, you won't need either option above. If you are in multiple research groups and/or multiple projects, you may need something like:

newgrp PAS0002
sbatch -A PAS0002

OnDemand users

If you use the OnDemand Files app to upload files to the OSC filesystem, the group ownership of uploaded files will be your primary group.

Software licenses

  • We will merge all your current agreements if you have multiple accounts.  
  • In many cases, you will only need to fill out software license agreements once.
  • Some vendors may require you to sign an updated agreement.  
  • Some vendors may also require the PI of each of your research groups/project codes to sign an agreement.

Changes of Default Memory Limits

Problem Description

Our current GPFS file system is a distributed process with significant interactions between the clients. As the compute nodes being GPFS flle system clients, a certain amount of memory of each node needs to be reserved for these interactions. As a result, the maximum physical memory of each node allowed to be used by users' jobs is reduced, in order to keep the healthy performance of the file system. In addition, using swap memory is not allowed.  

The table below summarizes the maximum physical memory allowed for each type of nodes on our systems:

Owens Cluster

Regular node 128GB 118GB
Huge memory node 1536GB (1.5TB)


Pitzer Cluster

Node type physical memory per node Maximum memory allowed per Node 
Regular node 192GB 178GB
Dual GPU node 384GB 363GB
Quad GPU node 768 GB 744 GB
Large memory node 768 GB 744 GB
Huge memory node 3072GB (3TB) 2989GB

Solutions When You Need Regular Nodes

If you do not request memory explicitly in your job (no --mem

Your job can be submitted and scheduled as before, and resources will be allocated according to your requests for cores/nodes ( --nodes=XX --ntasks-per-node=YY ).  If you request a partial node, the memory allocated to your job is proportional to the number of cores requested; if you request the whole node, the memory allocated to your job is based on the information summarized in the above tables.

If you have a multi-node job (  nodes>1  ), your job will be assigned the entire nodes with maximum memory allowed per node and charged for the entire nodes regardless of --ntasks-per-node request.

If you do request memory explicitly in your job (with  --mem 

If you request memory explicitly in your script, please re-visit your script according to the following pages:




Community Accounts

Some projects may wish to have a common account to allow for different privileges than their regular user accounts. These are called community accounts, in that they are shared among multiple users, belong to a project, and may be able to submit jobs. Community accounts are accessed using the sudo command.

A community sudo account has the following characteristics:

  • Selected users in the project have sudo privileges to become the community sudo user.
  • The community sudo account has different privileges than the other users in the project, which may or may not include job submission.
  • Community accounts can not be used to SSH into OSC systems directly.
    • The community sudo account can only be accessed after logging in as a regular user and then using the sudo command described below. The community sudo account does not have a regular password set and is therefore is not subject to the normal password change policy.
    • SSH key exchange to access OSC systems from outside of OSC with community accounts is disabled. Key exchange may be used to SSH between hosts within an OSC cluster.

How to Request a Community Account

The PI of the project looking to create a community account needs to send an email to OSC Help with the following information:

  • A preferred username for the community account
  • The project code that the community account will be created under
  • The elevated privileges desired (such as job submission)
  • The users who will able to access the account via sudo
  • The desired shell for the community account

OSC will then evaluate the request.

Logging into a Community Account

Users who have been given access to the community account by the PI will be able to use the following command to log in:

sudo -u <community account name> /bin/bash 

Once you successfully enter your own password you will assume the identity of the community account user.

Submitting Jobs From a Community Account

You can submit jobs the same as your normal user account. The email associated with the community account is Please add email recipients in your job script if you would like to receive notifications from the job.

Add multiple email recipients in a job using

#SBATCH --mail-user=<email address>

Adding Users to a Community Account

The PI of the project needs to send an email to OSC Help with the username of the person that they would like to add.

Checking jobs in XDMoD

To check the statistics of the jobs submitted by the community account in XDMoD, the PI of the project will need to send an email to OSC Help with the username of the community account.

Data Management

The owner of the data on the community account will be the community account user. Any user that has assumed the community account user identity will have access.

Access via OnDemand

The only way to access a community account is via a terminal session. This can be either via an SSH client or the terminal app within OnDemand. Other apps within OnDemand such as Desktops or specific software can not be utilized with a community account.

Compilation Guide

As a general recommendation, we suggest selecting the newest compilers available for a new project. For repeatability, you may not want to change compilers in the middle of an experiment.

Pitzer Compilers

The Skylake processors that make up the original Pitzer cluster and the Cascade Lake processors in its expansion support the AVX512 instruction set, but you must set the correct compiler flags to take advantage of it. AVX512 has the potential to speed up your code by a factor of 8 or more, depending on the compiler and options you would otherwise use.

With the Intel compilers, use -xHost and -O2 or higher. With the gnu compilers, use -march=native and -O3. The PGI compilers by default use the highest available instruction set, so no additional flags are necessary.

This advice assumes that you are building and running your code on Pitzer. The executables will not be portable.  Of course, any highly optimized builds, such as those employing the options above, should be thoroughly validated for correctness.

Intel (recommended)

FORTRAN 90 ifort mpif90
C icc mpicc
C++ icpc mpicxx

Recommended Optimization Options

The   -O2 -xHost  options are recommended with the Intel compilers. (For more options, see the "man" pages for the compilers.


Add this flag to any of the above:  -qopenmp  


FORTRAN 90 pgfortran   or   pgf90 mpif90
C pgcc mpicc
C++ pgc++ mpicxx

Recommended Optimization Options

The   -fast  option is appropriate with all PGI compilers. (For more options, see the "man" pages for the compilers)

Note: The PGI compilers can generate code for accelerators such as GPUs. Description of these capabilities is beyond the scope of this guide.


Add this flag to any of the above:  -mp


FORTRAN 90 gfortran mpif90
C gcc mpicc
C++ g++ mpicxx

Recommended Optimization Options

The  -O2 -march=native  options are recommended with the GNU compilers. (For more options, see the "man" pages for the compilers)


Add this flag to any of the above:  -fopenmp


Owens Compilers

The Haswell and Broadwell processors that make up Owens support the Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX2) instruction set, but you must set the correct compiler flags to take advantage of it. AVX2 has the potential to speed up your code by a factor of 4 or more, depending on the compiler and options you would otherwise use.

With the Intel compilers, use -xHost and -O2 or higher. With the gnu compilers, use -march=native and -O3. The PGI compilers by default use the highest available instruction set, so no additional flags are necessary.

This advice assumes that you are building and running your code on Owens. The executables will not be portable. Of course, any highly optimized builds, such as those employing the options above, should be thoroughly validated for correctness.

Intel (recommended)

FORTRAN 90 ifort mpif90
C icc mpicc
C++ icpc mpicxx

Recommended Optimization Options

The   -O2 -xHost  options are recommended with the Intel compilers. (For more options, see the "man" pages for the compilers.


Add this flag to any of the above:  -qopenmp  or  -openmp


FORTRAN 90 pgfortran   or   pgf90 mpif90
C pgcc mpicc
C++ pgc++ mpicxx

Recommended Optimization Options

The   -fast  option is appropriate with all PGI compilers. (For more options, see the "man" pages for the compilers)

Note: The PGI compilers can generate code for accelerators such as GPUs. Description of these capabilities is beyond the scope of this guide.


Add this flag to any of the above:  -mp


FORTRAN 90 gfortran mpif90
C gcc mpicc
C++ g++ mpicxx

Recommended Optimization Options

The  -O2 -march=native  options are recommended with the GNU compilers. (For more options, see the "man" pages for the compilers)


Add this flag to any of the above:  -fopenmp

Further Reading:

Intel Compiler Page

PGI Compiler Page

GNU Complier Page

Fields of Science: 

Firewall and Proxy Settings

Connections to OSC

In order for users to access OSC resources through the web your firewall rules should allow for connections to the following publicly-facing IP ranges.  Otherwise, users may be blocked or denied access to our services.


The followingg TCP ports should be opened:

  • 80 (HTTP)
  • 443 (HTTPS)
  • 22 (SSH)

The following domain should be allowed:

  • *

Users may follow the instructions below "Test your configuration" to ensure that your system is not blocked from accessing our services. If you are still unsure of whether their network is blocking theses hosts or ports should contact their local IT administrator.

Test your configuration

[Windows] Test your connection using PuTTY

  1. Open the PuTTY application.
  2. Enter IP address listed in "Connections to OSC" in the "Host Name" field.
  3. Enter 22 in the "Port" field.
  4. Click the 'Telnet' radio button under "Connection Type".
  5. Click "Open" to test the connection.
  6. Confirm the response. If the connection is successful, you will see a message that says "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3", as shown below. If you receive a PuTTY error, consult your system administrator for network access troubleshooting.


[OSX/Linux] Test your configuration using telnet

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Type telnet IPaddress 22 (Here, IPaddress is IP address listed in "Connections to OSC").
  3. Confirm the connection. 

Connections from OSC

All outbound network traffic from all of OSC's compute nodes are routed through a network address translation host (NAT) including the following IPs:


IT and Network Administrators

Please use the above information in order to assit users in acessing our resources.  

Occasionally new services may be stood up using hosts and ports not described here.  If you believe our list needs correcting please let us know at


Job and storage charging

Ohio academics should visit the fee structure page for pricing information.
All others should contact OSC Sales for pricing information.
If there are questions/concerns on charging at OSC, please contact OSC Help.

Job charging based on usage

Jobs are charged based length, number of cores, amount of memory, single node versus multi-node, and type of resource.

Length and number of cores

Jobs are recorded in terms of core-hours hours used. Core-hours can be calculated by:

number of cores * length of job


A 4 core job that runs for 2 hours would have a total core-hour usage of:

4 cores * 2 hours = 8 core-hours

Amount of Memory

Each processor has a default amount of memory paired along with it, which differs by cluster. When requesting a specifc amount of memory that doesn't correlate with the default pairing, the charging uses an algorithm to determine if the effective cores should be used.

The value for effective cores will be used in place of the actual cores used if and only if it is larger than the explicit number of cores requested.

effective cores = memory / memory per core


A job that requests  nodes=1:ppn=3  will still be charged for 3 cores of usage.

However, a job that requests  nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=12GB, where the default memory allocated per core is 4GB, then the job will be charged for 3 cores worth of usage.

effective cores = 12GB / (4GB/core) = 3 core

Single versus Multi-Node

If requesting a single node, then a job is charged for only the cores/processors requested. However, when requesting multiple nodes the job is charged for each entire node regardless of the number of cores/processors requested.

Type of resource

Depending on the type of node requested, it can change the dollar rate charged per core-hour. There are currently three types of nodes, regular, hugememory,and gpu.

If a gpu node is used, there are two metrics recorded, core-hours and gpu-hours. Each has a different dollar-rate, and these are combined to determine the total charges for usage.

Ohio academics should visit the fee structure page for pricing information.
All others should contact OSC Sales for pricing information.


A job requests nodes=1:ppn=8:gpus=2 and runs for 1 hour.

The usage charge would be calculated using:

8 cores * 1 hour = 8 core-hours


2 gpus * 1 hour = 2 gpu-hours

and combined for:

8 core-hours + 2 gpu-hours

Project storage charging based on quota

Projects that request extra storage be added are charged for that storage based on the total space reserved (i.e. your quota). 

The rates are in TB per month:

storage quota in TB * rate per month
Ohio academics should visit the fee structure page for pricing information.
All others should contact OSC Sales for pricing information.
Please contact OSC Help with questions/concerns.

Out-of-Memory (OOM) or Excessive Memory Usage

Problem description

A common problem on our systems is that a user's job causes a node out of memory or uses more than its allocated memory if the node is shared with other jobs.

If a job exhausts both the physical memory and the swap space on a node, it causes the node to crash. With a parallel job, there may be many nodes that crash. When a node crashes, the OSC staff has to manually reboot and clean up the node. If other jobs were running on the same node, the users have to be notified that their jobs failed.

If your job requests less than a full node, for example, --ntasks-per-node=4, it may be scheduled on a node with other running jobs. In this case, your job is entitled to a memory allocation proportional to the number of cores requested. For example, if a system has 4.5 GB per core and you request one core, it is your responsibility to make sure your job uses no more than 4.5 GB. Otherwise your job will interfere with the execution of other jobs.

Example errors

# OOM in a parallel program launched through srun

slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=14604003.0 cgroup. Some of your processes may have been killed by the cgroup out-of-memory handler.

srun: error: o0616: task 0: Out Of Memory

# OOM in program run directly by the batch script of a job

slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=14604003.batch cgroup. Some of your processes may have been killed by the cgroup out-of-memory handler.


Each node has a fixed amount of physical memory and a fixed amount of disk space designated as swap space. If your program and data don’t fit in physical memory, the virtual memory system writes pages from physical memory to disk as necessary and reads in the pages it needs. This is called swapping. 

You can find the amount of usable memory on our system at default memory limits. You can see the memory and swap values for a node by running the Linux command free on the node.

In the world of high-performance computing, swapping is almost always undesirable. If your program does a lot of swapping, it will spend most of its time doing disk I/O and won’t get much computation done. Swapping is not supported at OSC. Please consider the suggestions below.

Suggested solutions

Here are some suggestions for fixing jobs that use too much memory. Feel free to contact OSC Help for assistance with any of these options.

Some of these remedies involve requesting more processors (cores) for your job. As a general rule, we require you to request a number of processors proportional to the amount of memory you require. You need to think in terms of using some fraction of a node rather than treating processors and memory separately. If some of the processors remain idle, that’s not a problem. Memory is just as valuable a resource as processors.

Request whole node or more processors

Jobs requesting less than a whole node are those that request less than the total number of available cores. These jobs can be problematic for two reasons. First, they are entitled to use an amount of memory proportional to the cores requested; if they use more they interfere with other jobs. Second, if they cause a node to crash, it typically affects multiple jobs and multiple users.

If you’re sure about your memory usage, it’s fine to request just the number of processors you need, as long as it’s enough to cover the amount of memory you need. If you’re not sure, play it safe and request all the processors on the node.

Reduce memory usage

Consider whether your job’s memory usage is reasonable in light of the work it’s doing. The code itself typically doesn’t require much memory, so you need to look mostly at the data size.

If you’re developing the code yourself, look for memory leaks. In MATLAB look for large arrays that can be cleared.

An out-of-core algorithm will typically use disk more efficiently than an in-memory algorithm that relies on swapping. Some third-party software gives you a choice of algorithms or allows you to set a limit on the memory the algorithm will use.

Use more nodes for a parallel job

If you have a parallel job you can get more total memory by requesting more nodes. Depending on the characteristics of your code you may also need to run fewer processes per node.

Here’s an example. Suppose your job on Pitzer includes the following lines:

#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
mpiexec mycode

This job has 2 nodes worth of memory available to it (specifically 178GB * 2 nodes of memory). The mpiexec command by default runs one process per core, which in this case is 96 copies of mycode.

If this job uses too much memory you can spread those 96 processes over more nodes. The following lines request 4 nodes, giving you a total of 712 GB of memory (4 nodes *178 GB). The -ppn 24 option on the mpiexec command says to run 24 processes per node instead of 48, for a total of 96 as before.

#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
mpiexec -ppn 24 mycode

Since parallel jobs are always assigned whole nodes, the following lines will also run 24 processes per node on 4 nodes.

#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=24
mpiexec mycode

Request large-memory nodes

Pitzer has 4 huge memory nodes with ~3 TB of memory and with 80 cores. Owens has 16 huge memory nodes with ~1.5 TB of memory and with 48 cores.

Since there are so few of these nodes, compared to hundreds of standard nodes, jobs requesting them will often have a long wait in the queue. The wait will be worthwhile, though, if these nodes solve your memory problem. See the batch limit pages for Owens and Pitzer to learn how to request huge or large memory nodes.

How to monitor your memory usage


If a job is currently running, or you know the timeframe that it was running, then grafana can be used to look at the individual nodes memory usage for jobs. Look for the graph that shows memory usage.


You can also view node status graphically using the OSC OnDemand Portal. Under "Jobs" select "Active Jobs." Click on "Job Status" and scroll down to see memory usage.


To view detailed metrics about jobs after waiting a day after the jobs are completed, you can use the XDMoD tool. It can show the memory usage for jobs over time as well as other metrics. Please see the job view how-to for more information on looking jobs.


Slurm command sstat can be used to obtain info for running jobs.

sstat --format=AveRSS,JobID -j <job-id> -a

During job

Query the job's cgroup which is what controls the amount of memory a job can use:

# return current memory usage
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/slurm/uid_$(id -u)/job_$SLURM_JOB_ID/memory.usage_in_bytes | numfmt --to iec-i
# return memory limit
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/slurm/uid_$(id -u)/job_$SLURM_JOB_ID/memory.limit_in_bytes | numfmt --to iec-i


If it appears that your job is close to crashing a node, we may preemptively delete the job.

If your job is interfering with other jobs by using more memory than it should be, we may delete the job.

In extreme cases OSC staff may restrict your ability to submit jobs. If you crash a large number of nodes or continue to submit problematic jobs after we have notified you of the situation, this may be the only way to protect the system and our other users. If this happens, we will restore your privileges as soon as you demonstrate that you have resolved the problem.

For details on retrieving files from unexpectedly terminated jobs see this FAQ.

For assistance

OSC has staff available to help you resolve your memory issues. See our client support request page for contact information.


XDMoD Tool

XDMoD Overview

XDMoD, which stands for XD Metrics on Demand, is an NSF-funded open source tool that provides a wide range of metrics pertaining to resource utilization and performance of high-performance computing (HPC) resources, and the impact these resources have in terms of scholarship and research.

How to log in

Visit OSC's XDMoD ( and click 'Sign In' in the upper left corner of the page.

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

A login window will appear. Click the button 'Login here.' under the 'Sign in with Ohio SuperComputer Center:', as shown below:
screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text
This redirects to a login page where one can use their OSC credentials to sign in.
screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

XDMoD Tabs

When you first log in you will be directed to the Summary tab. The different XDMoD tabs are located near the top of the page. You will be able to change tabs simply by click on the one you would like to view. By default, you will see the data from the previous month, but you can change the start and end date and then click 'refresh' to update the timeframe being reported.

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text


The Summary tab is comprised of a duration selector toolbar, a summary information bar, followed by a select set of charts representative of the usage. The Summary tab provides a dashboard that presents summary statistics and selected charts that are useful to the role of the current user. More information can be found at the XDMoD User Manual


The Usage tab is comprised of a chart selection tree on the left, and a chart viewer to the right of the page. The usage tab provides a convenient way to browse all the realms present in XDMoD. More information can be found at the XDMoD User Manual

Metric Explorer:

The Metric Explorer allows one to create complex plots containing multiple multiple metrics. It has many points and click features that allow the user to easily add, filter, and modify the data and the format in which it is presented. More information can be found at the XDMoD User Manual

App Kernels:

The Application Kernels tab consists of three sub-tabs, and each has a specific goal in order to make viewing application kernels simple and intuitive. The three sub-tabs consist of the Application Kernels Viewer, Application Kernels Explorer, and the Reports subsidiary tabs. More information can be found at the XDMoD User Manual

Report Generator:

This tab will allow you to manage reports. The left region provides a listing of any reports you have created. The right region displays any charts you have chosen to make available for building a report. More information can be found at the XDMoD User Manual

Job Viewer:

The Job Viewer tab displays information about individual HPC jobs and includes a search interface that allows jobs to be selected based on a wide range of filters. This tab also contains the SUPReMM module. More information on the SUPReMM module can be found below in this documentation. More information can be found at the XDMoD User Manual


This tab will display information about XDMoD.

Different Roles

XDMoD utilizes roles to restrict access to data and elements of the user interface such as tabs. OSC client holds the 'User Role' by default after you log into OSC XDMoD using your OSC credentials. With 'User Role', users are able to view all data available to their personal utilization information. They are also able to view information regarding their allocations, quality of service data via the Application Kernel Explorer, and generate custom reports. We also support the 'Principal Investigator' role, who has access to all data available to a user, as well as detailed information for any users included on their allocations or project.

References, Resources, and Documentation




Job Viewer

The Job Viewer Tab displays information about individual HPC jobs and includes a search interface that allows jobs to be selected based on a wide range of filters:

1. Click on the Job Viewer tab near the top of the page.

2. Click Search in the top left-hand corner of the page

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

     3. If you know the Resource and Job Number, use the quick search lookup form discussed in 4a. If you would like more options, use the advanced search discussed in 4b.

     4a. For a quick job lookup, select the resource and enter the job number and click 'Search'.

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

     4b. Within the Advanced Search form, select a timeframe and Add one or more filters. Click to run the search on the server.

screenshot of the XDMoD displaying the above text

     5. Select one or more Jobs. Provide the 'Search Name', and click 'Save Results' at the bottom of this window to view data about the selected jobs.

     6. To view data in more details for the selected job, under the Search History, click on the Tree and select a Job.

     7. More information can be found in the section of 'Job Viewer' of the XDMoD User Manual.


XDMoD - Checking Job Efficiency


XDMoD can be used to look at the performance of past jobs. This tutorial will explain how to retreive this job performance data and how to use this data to best utilize OSC resources.

First, log into XDMoD.

See XDMoD Tool webpage for details about XDMoD and how to log in.

You will be sent to the Summary Tab in XDMoD:

Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 11.04.53 AM.png

Click on the Metric Explorer tab, then navigate to the Metric Catalog click SUPREMM to show the various metric options, then Click the "Avg CPU %: User: weighted by core hour " metric.

A drop-down menu will appear for grouping the data to viewed. Group by "CPU User Value

Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 2.15.23 PM_0.png":


This will provide a time-series chart showing the average 'CPU user % weighted by core hours, over all jobs that were executing' separated by groups of 10 for that 'CPU User value'.

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One can change the time period by adjusting the preset duration value or entering dates in the "start" and "end" boxes by selecting the calendar or manually entering dates in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'. Once the desired time period is entered the "Refresh" button will be highlighted yellow, click the "Refresh" button to reload that time period data into the chart.

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Once the data is loaded, click on one of the data points, then navigate to "Drilldown" and select "Job Wall Time". This will group the job data by the amount of wall time used.

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Generally, the lower the CPU User Value, the less efficient that job was. This chart can now be used to go into some detailed information on specific jobs. Click one of the points again and select "Show raw data".

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This will bring up a list of jobs included in that data point. Click one of the jobs shown.

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After loading, this brings up the "Job Viewer" Tab for showing the details about the job selected.

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It is important to explain some information about the values immediately visible such as the "CPU User", "CPU User Balance" and "Memory Headroom".

The "CPU User" section gives a ratio for the amount of CPU time used by the job during the time that job was executing, think of it as how much "work" the CPUs were doing doing execution.

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The "CPU User Balance" section gives a measure for how evenly spread the "work" was between all the CPUs that were allocated to this job while it was executing. (Work here means how well was the CPU utilized, and it is preferred that the CPUs be close to fully utilized during job execution.)

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Finally, "Memory Headroom" gives a measure for the amount of memory used for that job. It can be difficult to understand what a good value is here. Generally, it is recommended to not specifically request an amount of memory unless the job requires it. When making those memory requests, it can be beneficial to investigate the amount of memory that is actually used by the job and plan accordingly. Below, a value closer to 0 means a job used most of the memory allocated to it and a value closer to 1 means that the job used less memory than the job was allocated.

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This information is useful for better utilizing OSC resources by having better estimates of the resources that jobs may require.