HWloc warning: Failed with: intersection without inclusion


When running MPI+OpenMP hybrid code with the Intel Classic Compiler and MVAPICH 3.0, you may encounter the following warning message from hwloc:

* hwloc 2.7.1rc1-git received invalid information from the operating system.
* Failed with: intersection without inclusion
* while inserting Group0 (cpuset 0x00000001,0x01010101,0x01010101,0x01010101) at Package (P#0 cpuset 0x55555555,0x55555555,0x55555555)
* coming from: linux:sysfs:numa
* The following FAQ entry in the hwloc documentation may help:
*   What should I do when hwloc reports "operating system" warnings?
* Otherwise please report this error message to the hwloc user's mailing list,
* along with the files generated by the hwloc-gather-topology script.
* hwloc will now ignore this invalid topology information and continue.

This is caused by the fact that the version of hwloc in MVAPICH 3.0 is 2.4.1, which does not match the hwloc 2.7.1rc1-git used in the Intel OpenMP library (iomp5). We have tested and observed no performance issues on a few applications; however, it may impact your case due to potential locality issues. If you encounter any problems, please consider using MVAPICH 3.0 with other compilers such as oneAPI or GCC.

Affected versions

mvapich/3.0 and above


If you encounter any problems, please consider using MVAPICH 3.0 with other compilers such as oneAPI or GCC.