OSCfinger is a command developed at OSC for use on OSC's systems and is similar to the standard finger command. It allows various account information to be viewed.
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OSCfinger takes the following options and parameters.
$ OSCfinger -h usage: OSCfinger.py [-h] [-e] [-g] USER positional arguments: USER optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e Extend search to include gecos/full name (user) or category/institution (group) -g, --group Query group instead of users Query user: OSCfinger foobar Query by first or last name: OSCfinger -e Foo OSCfinger -e Bar Query group: OSCfinger -g PZS0001 Query group by category or insitituion: OSCfinger -e -g OSC
The OSCfinger command can be used to view account information given a username.
$ OSCfinger jsmith Login: xxx Name: John Smith Directory: xxx Shell: /bin/bash E-mail: xxx Primary Group: PPP1234 Groups:
The OSCfinger command can also reveal details about a project using the -g
$ OSCfinger -g PPP1234 Group: PPP1234 GID: 1234 Status: ACTIVE Type: Academic Principal Investigator: xxx Admins: NA Members: xxx Category: NA Institution: OHIO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER Description: xxx ---
If the username is not known, a lookup can be initiated using the -e
This example is shown using the lookup for a first and last name.
$ OSCfinger -e "John Smith" Login: jsmith Name: John Smith Directory: xxx Shell: /bin/bash E-mail: NA Primary Group: PPP1234 Groups: xxx Password Changed: Jul 04 1776 15:47 (calculated) Password Expires: Aug 21 1778 12:05 AM Login Disabled: FALSE Password Expired: FALSE ---
One can also lookup users with only the last name:
$ OSCfinger -e smith Login: jsmith Name: John Smith Directory: xxx Shell: /bin/bash E-mail: NA Primary Group: PPP1234 Groups: --- Login: asmith Name: Anne Smith Directory: xxx Shell: /bin/bash E-mail: xxx Primary Group: xxx Groups: ---
Only the first name can also be used, but many accounts are likely to be returned.
$ OSCfinger -e John Login: jsmith Name: John Smith Directory: xxx Shell: /bin/bash E-mail: xxx Primary Group: PPP1234 Groups: --- Login: xxx Name: John XXX Directory: xxx Shell: /bin/bash E-mail: xxx Primary Group: xxx Groups: --- Login: xxx Name: John XXX Directory: xxx Shell: /bin/ksh E-mail: xxx Primary Group: xxx Groups: --- ...(more accounts below)...