If you need to use a MATLAB toolbox that is not provided through our installations. You can follow these instructions, and if you have any difficulties you can contact OSC Help for assistance.
First, we recommend making a new directory within your home directory in order to keep everything organized. You can use the unix command to make a new directory: "mkdir"
Now you can download the toolbox either to your desktop, and then upload it to OSC, or directly download it using the "wget" utility (if you know the URL for the file).
Now you can extract the downloaded file.
There are two methods on how to add the MATLAB toolbox path.
Method 1: Load up the Matlab GUI and click on "Set Path" and "Add folder"
Method 2: Use the "addpath" fuction in your script. More information on the function can be found here: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/addpath.html
Please refer to the instructions given alongside the toolbox. They should contain instructions on how to run the toolbox.