The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package, VASP, is a suite for quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and electronic structure calculations.
However, we are available to assist with the configuration of individual research-group installations on all our clusters. See the VASP FAQ page for information regarding licensing.
See the VASP documentation page for tutorial and workshop materials.
If you have a VASP license you may build and run VASP on any OSC cluster. The instructions given here are for VASP 5.4.1; newer 5 versions should be similar; and we have several reports that these worked for VASP 6.3.2.
Most VASP users at OSC run VASP with MPI and without multithreading. If you need assistance with a different configuration, please contact Note that we recommend submitting a batch job for testing because running parallel applications from a login node is problematic.
You can build and run VASP using either IntelMPI or MVAPICH2. Performance is similar for the two MPI families. Instructions are given for both. The IntelMPI build is simpler and more standard. MVAPICH2 is the default MPI installation at OSC; however, VASP had failures with some prior versions, so building with the newest MVAPICH2, in particular 2.3.2 or newer, is recommended.
Build instructions assume that you have already unpacked the VASP distribution and patched it if necessary and are working in the vasp directory. It also assumes that you have the default module environment loaded at the start.
1. Copy arch/makefile.include.linux_intel and rename it makefile.include.
2. Edit makefile.include to replace the two lines
OBJECTS = fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o \ $(MKLROOT)/interfaces/fftw3xf/libfftw3xf_intel.a
with one line
OBJECTS = fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o
3. Make sure the FCL line is
FCL = mpiifort -mkl=sequential
4. Load modules and build the code (using the latest IntelMPI may yield the best performance; for VASP 5.4.1 the modules were intel/19.0.5 and intelmpi/2019.3 as of October 2019)
module load intelmpi make
5. Add the modules used for the build, e.g., module load intelmpi
, to your job script.
1. Copy arch/makefile.include.linux_intel and rename it makefile.include.
2. Edit makefile.include to replace mpiifort with mpif90
FC = mpif90 FCL = mpif90 -mkl=sequential
3. Replace the BLACS, SCALAPACK, OBJECTS, INCS and LLIBS lines with
BLACS = SCALAPACK = $(SCALAPACK_LIBS) OBJECTS = fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o INCS = $(FFTW3_FFLAGS) LLIBS = $(SCALAPACK) $(FFTW3_LIBS_MPI) $(LAPACK) $(BLAS)
4. Load modules and build the code (using the latest MVAPICH2 is recommended; for VASP 5.4.1 the modules were intel/19.0.5 and mvapich2/2.3.2 as of October 2019)
module load scalapack module load fftw3 make
5. Add the modules used for the build, e.g., module load scalapack fftw3
, to your job script.
The "GPU Stuff" section in arch/makefile.include.linux_intel_cuda is generic. It can be updated for OSC clusters using the environment variables defined by a cuda module. The OSC_CUDA_ARCH environment variables defined by cuda modules on all clusters show the specific CUDA compute capabilities. Below we have combined them as of February 2023 so that the resulting executable will run on any OSC cluster. In addition to the instructions above, here are the specific CUDA changes and the commands for building a gpu executable.
CUDA_ROOT = $(CUDA_HOME) GENCODE_ARCH = -gencode=arch=compute_35,code=\"sm_35,compute_35\" \ -gencode=arch=compute_60,code=\"sm_60,compute_60\" \ -gencode=arch=compute_70,code=\"sm_70,compute_70\" \ -gencode=arch=compute_80,code=\"sm_80,compute_80\"
module load cuda make gpu
See this VASP Manual page and this NVIDIA page for reference.
Be sure to load the appropriate modules in your job script based on your build configuration, as indicated above. If you have built with -mkl=sequential
you should be able to run VASP as follows:
mpiexec path_to_vasp/vasp_std
If you have a problem with too many threads you may need to add this line (or equivalent) near the top of your script:
See this VASP Manual page and this NVIDIA page for feature restrictions, input requirements, and performance tuning examples. To acheive maximum performance, benchmarking of your particular calculation is essential. As a point of reference, although GPUs are the scarce resource, some user reports are that optimal performance is with 3 or 4 MPI ranks per GPU. This is expected to depend on method and simulation size.
If you encounter a CUDA error running a GPU enabled executable, such as:
CUDA Error in, line 44: all CUDA-capable devices are busy or unavailable
then you may need to use the default compute mode which can be done by adding this line (or equivalent) near the top of your script, e.g., for Owens:
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=28 --gpus-per-node=1 --gpu_cmode=shared